Categories: Sleep Apnea

What Is a Sleep Study?

Sleep apnea, like any other sleep disorder, prevents you from having a good night's rest. The symptoms of the condition affect energy levels, emotional state, and general wellbeing. The only issue is that the rate of diagnosis is low, despite the prevalence of the condition. To get proper treatment for sleep apnea, patients need to get an accurate diagnosis. A sleep study is done to obtain information about a person's sleeping pattern and determine if a disorder is present. It also helps monitor treatment progress in patients.

What happens during a sleep study?

When patients go in for a sleep study, also called polysomnography, they will sleep in an isolated room. The specialist handling the study will attach sensors to the patient's head and body to record vital information. Patients will get comfortable and be relaxed until they fall asleep. The professional will be around to monitor and record the body's responses throughout sleep. The sleep study ends after the patient wakes the following day, then the sensors will be taken off.

In some cases, after the sleep study, patients will also undergo multiple sleep latency testing. Sensors attached to the body will record sleeping data throughout five scheduled naps, set two hours apart. Patients will get a notification at the start of each nap and try to fall asleep.

For sleep studies done at home, patients will get a device from the sleep dentist and usage guidelines. Before sleeping, the sensors on the device will be turned on before switching on the device. The machine will collect data throughout sleep until the following morning. The sleep dentist will review the sleep study results and discuss their findings, including if there are indications of a sleep disorder like sleep apnea.

Preparing for a sleep study

Patients can take certain steps to ensure comfort and accurate results. Before the sleep study, the dentist needs to know about any current medications because some drugs can mess up the results of the sleep study. However, patients should not stop any medication without first talking to the doctor. Those who feel anxious about the procedure can ask for a tour of the office or have someone accompany them.

On the day of the study, it is advisable to follow a routine and avoid taking caffeine or naps. For the in-office sleep study, patients will need to carry toiletries and extra clothing for the following day.

Points to note

Some patients tend to sleep less than normal during the sleep study due to the attached sensors and unfamiliar setting. This will not compromise the test results, but patients should discuss any concerns that they have with the sleep dentist. Sleep studies conducted at home are also effective for evaluating obstructive sleep apnea, especially for moderate to severe cases.

Final note

After conducting the sleep study and reviewing the results, the sleep dentist can make a diagnosis. If sleep apnea is present, they can recommend specific treatment options. This typically involves the provision of oral appliances to alleviate the condition.

Request an appointment here: or call Dental Sleep Solutions Group at (530) 727-6080 for an appointment in our Red Bluff office.

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