Categories: Sleep Apnea

Common Sleep Medicine Treatments

Looking into your sleep medicine treatment options? When someone is not getting the sleep they need due to a sleep disorder, they will need to learn about their treatment options available so they can decide which one is right for them. When someone does not get enough sleep, it can lead to any number of health problems.

About sleep disorders

Understanding that sleep medicine is an option for treating a sleep disorder is necessary, as getting enough sleep is essential to good overall health. Examples of sleep disorders include sleep apnea, insomnia, narcolepsy, REM sleep disorder and snoring. When someone is diagnosed with a sleep disorder, it may be due to an underlying medical condition, making it a good idea for one to see one or more health care professionals in order to receive a proper diagnosis.

Sleep medicine treatments

The list below includes popular treatments for those who have been diagnosed with a sleep disorder. When it comes to which treatment one should use, part of the decision depends on the type of sleeping disorder they are living with.

Making positive lifestyle choices

Making changes to one’s lifestyle can be the answer to their sleeping problems. Examples of positive changes include making wise food choices, exercising three to four times a week, maintaining a healthy body weight, not smoking, not abusing drugs, not abusing alcohol, dealing with any stress in a healthy manner, socializing with friends on a regular basis and paying attention to one’s personal hygiene.

Using sleep aids

Sleep aids can help those who are experiencing sleeping problems that get in the way of their ability to breathe properly during the night. One commonly used sleeping aid is a CPAP machine, which is typically utilized to treat sleep apnea patients. Additional sleep aid treatments include using an oral appliance or undergoing cognitive behavioral therapy and insomnia treatment.

Taking medications

When it is determined that one will benefit from using medication to treat their sleep disorder, they will be prescribed a medication that is ideal for them, e.g., antidepressants, sleeping pills, etc. The process starts with an individualized treatment plan, as every patient's sleeping problems will be different. Medication treatment may also involve taking supplements.

Living with a sleep disorder?

Since there are many treatment options available, patients can choose the ones that they think will help them get the sleep they need. For professional advice on which sleep medicine treatments will work, making an appointment is the next step.

Request an appointment here: or call Dental Sleep Solutions Group at (530) 727-6080 for an appointment in our Red Bluff office.

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Dental Sleep Solutions Group

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Dental Sleep Solutions Group

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