Categories: Sleep Apnea

3 Snoring Treatment Options

We go to the dentist for a variety of different health conditions, but you might not realize that snoring treatment is one of the things that your local dentist can provide. There are things you can do yourself to try and reduce or treat snoring, but if those solutions do not help, talking to your dentist can provide an option you were unaware of. 

Change your sleeping habits 

Doctors, including dentists, will tell you that the position you sleep in and your sleeping habits can greatly impact how much and loudly you snore. For example, some patients simply cannot sleep flat on their backs. Finding the right pillow and elevation angle can be good for someone with a snoring problem and help several other health factors, such as posture and blood flow. 

Investing in a few changes to your sleeping environment can make it more comfortable for you to sleep and may improve your airflow, which is one of the leading causes of snoring. 

Weight loss can improve snoring 

Another snoring treatment that does not involve surgery or bulky machines is to improve your health and weight. Snoring is caused primarily by a narrowing of the airway. When we gain weight, the tissues of the airway get thicker, leading to less space for air to travel. This condition worsens when we lie down to sleep, producing the snoring that happens. 

By simply dropping some weight, you can drastically improve the symptoms that cause snoring and reduce the volume and severity of your snoring. It may also be worth having your nasal cavity and sinuses checked to ensure the sinuses and adenoids are not enlarged, which can be another culprit for snoring. However, surgery is typically the solution in those cases. 

Talk to a dentist about snoring treatment 

If other options have not helped or you are still experiencing a serious snoring problem, it may be worth visiting your local dentist. There they can examine you and determine if a custom-made dental appliance, similar to an athletic mouthguard, may be able to help. The dental appliance works by changing the resting position of the jaw and opening up the airway more so that the person can breathe properly while sleeping. 

If you have not already been tested, your dentist can also check to see if you have a condition known as obstructive sleep apnea, which can affect how a person breathes when they sleep and can be a cause of their snoring. 

Visit your local dentist right away 

If you have tried other remedies and gotten little to no relief from your snoring, then it is time to call your local dentist and find out if a dental sleep appliance might be the solution you need to reduce your snoring. Your dentist will be able to check you for other underlying conditions and prescribe you a personalized custom snore guard that will improve your quality of sleep and reduce your snoring even when other options have been less effective.

Request an appointment here: or call Dental Sleep Solutions Group at (530) 727-6080 for an appointment in our Red Bluff office.

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